Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Back to the query page

    Key words include Phlegm and blood stasis Article

1 Professor LI Huilin Treats Diabetes from Fat
GAO Yu1 LIAO Xiaoying1 ZHANG Zhikai1 LIU Yiran1 LI Huilin2 2023年01期 [44-47][Abstract](984)[pdf 745KB](40)
2 Professor LI Jun’s Experience in Treating Hyperhidrosis Caused by Spinal Cord Injury
PANG Le1 DU Xiang1 ZHAO Huan2 YUAN Youcai2 ZHOU Haizhe3 2021年05期 [42-45][Abstract](1590)[pdf 744KB](12)
3 Interpretation and Clinical Application of LEI Zhongyi Yangxin Huoxue Decoction
CHEN Jinfeng1FAN Hong1LIU Chaofeng1LEI Peng1,2Guidance: LEI Zhongyi1 2021年05期 [32-37][Abstract](1322)[pdf 998KB](14)
4 A Theory for Fifty Years— Retrospect of the Origin and Development of Lei Zhongyi’s Theory of Intermingled Phlegm and Blood Stasis in Chest Discomfort
Chen Jinfeng Lei Peng Fan Hong Liu Chaofeng 2019年04期 [8-11][Abstract](1558)[pdf 1358KB](458)
5 Analysis of Professor Lei Zhongyi's Theory System of“Chest Discomfort of Phlegm Stasis,Toxicity and Wind”
Chen Jinfeng1,Lei Zhongyi1,Liu Chaofeng1,Fan Hong1,Wu Xueping1,Yu Xiaoyong1,Lei Peng2,Wang Yong3 2018年06期 [1-2][Abstract](1695)[pdf 1544KB](595)