Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Back to the query page

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1 Professor Liu Jians Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis Secondary to Streptococcus Infection
Sun Guanghan, Liu Jian, Huang Dan, Long Yan, Bao Bingxi, Zhang Ying 2020年06期 [15-18,28][Abstract](1414)[pdf 1387KB](457)
2 The Treatment of Chronic Gastritis Spleen - Stomach Damp – Heat Syndrome in Terms of the Lung and Spleen by Professor Huang Yahui
Liu Yueyang, Huang Yahui 2020年04期 [45-47][Abstract](1746)[pdf 1247KB](436)
3 On the Treatment of Difficult Miscellaneous Diseases by Regulating the Lung and Spleen
Cao Liping, Chen Tao, Li Yaohui 2020年04期 [26-29/39][Abstract](1583)[pdf 1309KB](458)
4 A Research on Shen Shuwens Treatment of Spleen and Stomach Disease Based on the Collateral Theory
Wang Jiehong Hou Yingkai Xu Yongpan supervisor: Shen Shuwen 2020年03期 [16-18,39][Abstract](1762)[pdf 1004KB](520)
5 Overview of the Treatment of Osteoporosis by Invigorating kidney,Strengthening Spleen, Activating Blood Circulation and Dredging Collaterals in Recent Three Years
Xu Xinyu 1 , Yuan Qi 1 , Li Ping 1 , Shi Xueyan 1 , Yao Mengqian 1 , Yang Guofang 2 2019年06期 [159-163][Abstract](1740)[pdf 1682KB](896)