[1]张 兰
** 王 渊
***.补肾更年方联合雷射针刺治疗阴虚火旺型更年期失眠 39例[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2018,(03):053-57.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.03.019]
Zhang Lan,Wang Yuan.Treatment of 39 Cases of Menopausal Insomnia with Yin Deficiency and Fire Excess by Bushen Gengnian Recipe Combined with Laser Acupuncture[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018,(03):053-57.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.03.019]
补肾更年方联合雷射针刺治疗阴虚火旺型更年期失眠 39例()
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- Title:
Treatment of 39 Cases of Menopausal Insomnia with Yin Deficiency and Fire Excess by Bushen Gengnian Recipe Combined with Laser Acupuncture
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
张 兰1
** 王 渊2
1. 陕西中医药大学附属医院,陕西 咸阳 712000; 2. 陕西中医药大学,陕西 咸阳 712046
- Author(s):
Zhang Lan1; Wang Yuan2
1. Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712000,China; 2. Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712000,China
- 关键词:
补肾更年方; 雷射针刺; 更年期; 失眠; 阴虚火旺
- Keywords:
Bushen Gengnian recipe; laser acupuncture; menopause; insomnia; yin deficiency and fire excess
- 分类号:
R256. 23
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
: 目的 评价补肾更年方联合雷射针刺治疗阴虚火旺型失眠症的临床疗效。方法 将 78 名阴虚
火旺型更年期失眠患者随机分为补肾更年方联合雷射针刺治疗组 39 例,药物对照组 39 例,连续治疗 2 个
行组内和组间比较。结果 对于匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表评分、生活质量评分、睡眠质量分级情况,两组治
疗前后均有显著性差异( P < 0. 05) ; 补肾更年方结合雷射针刺能够显著降低匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表总
评分,改善睡眠质量Ⅰ级 - Ⅱ级、Ⅳ级 - Ⅴ级情况,提高治疗总有效率,对以上诸方面的改善均优于对照
药物右佐匹克隆( P < 0. 05 ) 。结论 补肾更年方联合雷射针刺治疗阴虚火旺型失眠症疗效优于右佐匹
- Abstract:
To evaluate the clinical effect of Bushen Gengnian recipe combined with laser acupuncture in treating menopausal insomnia with yin deficiency and fire excess. Method: 78 cases of menopausal insomnia with yin defi- ciency and fire excess were randomly divided into“Bushen Gengnian recipe and laser acupuncture”group ( 39 cases) and control group ( 39 cases) ,and were treated for 2 weeks. After the treatment,Pittsburgh sleep quality index scale,quality of life scores,sleep quality ratings,and total effectiveness were compared within and between groups. Result: For the Pittsburgh sleep quality index scale,quality of life score,and sleep quality classification,there were significant differ- ences before and after treatment in the two groups ( P < 0. 05) . The combination of Bushen Gengnian recipe and laser acu-puncture can significantly reduce the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score,score of the time to fall asleep,sleep time and sleep quality score,and improve the overall health,physical function,emotional function,mental health,vitality and other quality of life scores. The improvement of sleep quality grade I - II,grade IV - V,and improvement of total treat- ment efficiency were superior to eszopiclone in the control group ( P < 0. 05) . Conclusion: Treatment of menopausal in- somnia with yin deficiency and fire excess by Bushen Gengnian recipe combined with laser acupuncture is better than that of eszopiclone.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项 目: 陕西省科技厅科学技术研究发展计划项目 ( 2011K16 - 07 - 02) ; 陕西中医药大学青年基金项目
( 2015QN34)
作者简介: 张兰( 1981 - ) ,女,硕士,主治医师,讲师,研究方向: 中西医结合治疗生殖内分泌疾病的基础与临床研究。 E - mail: candi506@ 126. com
通讯作者: 王渊( 1980 - ) ,男,博士,副教授,副主任医师,硕士研究生导师,研究方向: 针灸推拿治疗老年病和脊柱病
的基础与临床研究。E - mail: icharles117@ 126. com 收稿日期: 2018 - 02 - 22 编辑: 杨芳艳
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