[1]李德森 郑雅媗 陈 亮 黄美霞 谌赛男 吴水生.双向固体发酵前后钩吻中生物碱含量变化研究[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2017,(03):063-68.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2017.03.024]
 Li Desen Zheng Yaxuan Chen Liang Huang Meixia Shen Sainan Wu Shuisheng.A Study on Variation of Alkaloid Contents in Gelsemium Before and After Bidirectional Solid Fermentationv[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2017,(03):063-68.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2017.03.024]

双向固体发酵前后钩吻中生物碱含量变化研究 ()




A Study on Variation of Alkaloid Contents in Gelsemium Before and After Bidirectional Solid Fermentationv
李德森 郑雅媗 陈 亮 黄美霞 谌赛男 吴水生
1. 福建中医药大学药学院,福建 福州 350122; 2. 福建卫生职业技术学院,福建 福州 350101; 3. 福建中医药大学附属福州中医院,福建 福州 350101
Li Desen1 Zheng Yaxuan2 Chen Liang3 Huang Meixia1 Shen Sainan1 Wu Shuisheng
1. Fujian Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, China; 2. Fujian Health Vocational and Technical College, Fuzhou, 350101, China; 3. Affiliated Hospital of Fujian University of Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350101, China
钩吻 双向固体发酵 钩吻生物碱 HPLC
gelsemium bi - directional solid fermentation gelsemium alkaloids HPLC
目的 研究钩吻被多种药用真菌固体发酵后生物碱含量的变化。方法 运用双向固体发酵的原理与 技术,将钩吻生品作为“药性基质” ,灵芝、 云芝、 茯苓等 5 种不同药用真菌分别接种到灭菌的钩吻“药性基质” 上,在特定条件下进行发酵,得到钩吻“药性菌质”。采用 HPLC 法对发酵前后钩吻中钩吻碱甲、 钩吻素子、 钩吻 素己、 钩吻绿碱、 胡蔓藤碱乙的含量进行测定。结果 在同一发酵条件下,5 种不同真菌对钩吻的发酵情况有所 不同 ,“药性菌质” 中各生物碱成分含量与钩吻生品相比,均呈不同程度下降的趋势,且色谱图中显
To determine the content of alkaloids in solid gelsemium fermented by medicinal fungus. Method: With the principle and technique of bi - directional solid fermentation, the raw sterilized gelsemium, as a kind of drug matrix, was inoculated five different drugs as ganoderma lucidum, trametes versicolor, poria cocos etc. , and fermented in specific conditions to obtain the needed property of medicinal fungal substance. The HPLC method was used to detect the contents of gelsemine, koumine, gelsenicine, gelsevirine and humantenine before and after the experiment. Results: Under the same circumstance, the five different fungus implementing different effects on fermentation of gelsemium, the contents of alkaloids in inoculated gelsemium tended to decrease to varying degrees and a new - born unknown result showed in the chromatogram map after the comparison of those factors with the raw gelsemium. Discus-sion: After bi - directional solid fermentation, the content of alkaloids in good - growth inoculated gelsemium changes a lot and the quality alters significantly, which may exert important function on the basic researches of the drug’ s toxin relieving and curative effect strengthening.


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基金项目:福建省中医药科研课题(wzzy201310);福州市科技计划项目(2014-S-140-1);福州市卫生系统科技计 划项目(2013-S-wt9);国家大学生创新创业项目(201410393012)
通讯作者:吴水生(1965-),教授,医学博士,从事中药学药性理论与中药生物工程、中药药效物质基础与作用机制 研究。E-mail:wushuishengwss@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-05-15