Zhang Weihua.The Receding Back - the "Five - Way" Life Track of Guo Chengjie, the Master of Chinese Medicine[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2019,(01):004-8.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2019.01.002]
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- Title:
The Receding Back - the "Five - Way" Life Track of Guo Chengjie, the Master of Chinese Medicine
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陕西中医药大学,陕西 咸阳 712046
- Author(s):
Zhang Weihua
Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang China, 712046
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
目的 总结国医大师郭诚杰教授的人生轨迹,为后辈为医者成才提供借鉴。 方法 通过请教郭老先生、走访郭老先生的同事、学生、亲人、同乡、患者及其有关领导,诊疗过程的参与,病例、荣誉证书等史料阅读等形式,进行分析、总结。 结果 郭老先生个性特征的形成与其遗传、家庭、所处的社会环境以及受到的学习、教育等诸多因素密切相关。 他的人生轨迹主要表现在精研医籍、熟读记诵,持之以恒、以勤补拙,博学笃行、注重实践,中西互补、法古创新,善于总结、耕笔不歇的治学之道;医心仁慈、恩泽众患,不分地位、一视同仁,仁心所系、患者至上,孜孜不倦、精益求精,医风正派、淡泊名利的做人之道;人品优先、诚实守信,自我反思、敢于认错,敬业之心、执着永恒,谦逊做人、从不自满,勿占便宜、吃亏是福的为医之道;要做学问、先应立德,有问即答,多不密藏的授业之道;饮食、良好生活习惯、运动、心理调节的养生之道五个方面。 结论 郭诚杰大师的人生轨迹是他所特有的治学、做人、为医、授业、养生“五道”的综合体现,为我们的人生树立了光辉的典范。
- Abstract:
To summarize the life trajectory of Professor Guo Chengjie, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and to provide reference for future generations to become doctors. Methods: By consulting Mr. Guo Chengjie, visiting his colleagues, students, relatives, fellow townsmen, patients and relevant leaders of Mr. Guo, participating in the process of diagnosis and treatment, reading historical materials such as cases and honorary certificates, etc. , the analysis and summary were made. Results: The formation of Guo Chengjie's personality characteristics was closely related tohis heredity, family, social environment, learning and education. His life trajectory is mainly manifested in five aspects. First, the way to pursue his studies: Mr. Guo made intensive study of medical books through repeated reading and reciting, and made up for lack of natural talent by hard work and perseverance, he practised earnestly based on his wide range of knowledge, innovated from the old medical methods and made Chinese and western medicine complementary, and never stopped summarizing. Second, the way to be a person: Mr. Guo had a benevolent heart to all the patients and gave equal treatment regardless of status, he always put his patients first, persevered to look for better solutions, and is indifferent to fame and fortune with decent manners. Third, the way to be a doctor: Mr. Guo regarded moral quality as important, he himself was honest and kept his words, dared to admit mistakes through self - reflection, dedicated to his work, modest yet never self - satisfied, treated a bad bargain a kind of blessing and took no unfair advantage. Forth, the way to teach, Mr. Guo thought that to engage in scholarship, morality should be established first, students’ questions should be answered in many ways without reservation. Fifth, the way to keep in good health, Mr. Guo had good diet and living habits along with exercise and psychological regulation. Conclusion: Master Guo Chengjie's life trajectory is a comprehensive reflection of his unique"five ways" of pursuing study, being a person, being a doctor, teaching and keeping in good health, which sets a glorious model for our life.
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