[1]职利琴 黄家欣 裴纪文.芪甲五苓汤联合西药对心衰小鼠心脏超声相关指标的影响[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2018,(05):119-122.[doi:DOI:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.05.035]
 Zhi Liqin,Huang Jiaxin,Pei Jiwen.Effect of Qijia Wuling Decoction Combined with Western Medicine on Cardiac Ultrasound Related Indexes in Heart Failure Mice[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018,(05):119-122.[doi:DOI:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.05.035]





Effect of Qijia Wuling Decoction Combined with Western Medicine on Cardiac Ultrasound Related Indexes in Heart Failure Mice
职利琴 黄家欣 裴纪文
1. 陕西省中西医结合医院,陕西 西安 710082;2. 西安市中医医院,陕西 西安 710021
Zhi Liqin1Huang Jiaxin1Pei Jiwen2
1. Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Shaanxi Province,Xi’ an China,710082; 2. Xi’ an TCM Hospital,Xi’ an China,710021
LVEF LVESD LVEDD Qijia Wuling Decoction heart failure mice
R541. 6
目的 观察芪甲五苓汤联合西药对心衰小鼠心脏超声LVEF( 左室射血分数) , LVESD( 左室收缩末期 内径) 、 LVEDD( 左室舒张末期内径) , FS( 左心室短轴缩短指数) 影响的实验研究,为临床提供有力的理论学基 础。方法采用冠状动脉结扎法将30 只雄性昆明小鼠制作成心衰模型,随机分组,模型组10 只,芪甲五苓汤 + 西 药组10 只,西药组10 只。48 小时后给所有心衰小鼠行心脏彩超检查,当射血分数 < 45%时即为达到心衰的指 标,提示造模成功。分别给予模型组生理盐水、西药组、芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组灌胃,用药 4 周后各观察心脏超声 相关指标,数据均采用组间对照, t 检验或方差分析。结果 用药 4 周后: 与模型组相比,芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组和 西药组小鼠 LVEF 均有不同程度改善,并有统计学差异( P < 0. 05) ,其中以芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组 LVEF 改善效 果最明显( P <0. 01) ;与模型组相比,芪甲五苓汤 +西药组与西药组心衰小鼠左室收缩末期内径均有不同程度 的减小,具有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) ,而其中芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组左室收缩末期内径减小明显,疗效显著 ( P <0. 01) ;与模型组相比,芪甲五苓汤 +西药组心衰小鼠左室舒张末期内径增加,具有统计学意义( P <0. 05) , 而西药组的小鼠虽左室舒张末期内径有所增加,但 P > 0. 05,不具有统计学意义。芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组与西药 组小鼠的左室舒张末期内径相比有所增大,但 P >0. 05,不具有统计学意义; 与模型组相比,芪甲五苓汤 + 西药 组和西药组小鼠 FS 均有不同程度提高,并有统计学差异( P <0. 05) ,其中芪甲五苓汤 + 西药组 FS 改善效果最 明显( P <0. 01) 。结论 芪甲五苓汤能够提高实验性心衰小鼠左室射血分数( LVEF) ; 减小心衰小鼠左室收缩末 期内径( LVESD) 、增大室舒张末期内径( LVEDD) ;提高心衰小鼠的 FS;芪甲五苓汤在改善心衰小鼠心功能方面 疗效明显优于西药组疗效,肯定了芪甲五苓汤在治疗心力衰竭方面的临床疗效,为其提供有力的理论基础。
To observe the effect of Qijia Wuling Decoction combined with western medicine on LVEF, LVESD,LVEDD and FS of heart failure mice under cardiac uhrasonography and provide a strong theoretical foundation for clinic study. Method: By using coronary artery ligation,30 male Kunming mice were made into heart failure model were randomly divided into 3 groups: the model group ( 10) ,Qijia Wuling Decoction + western medicine group ( 10) ,western medicine group ( 10) . After 48 hours,all heart failure mice were examined by echocardiography. When the ejection fraction was <45%, the index of heart failure was reached, indicating that the model was successful. The model group was given normal saline,Qijia Wuling Decoction + western medicine group and western medicine group were treated by gavage. After 4 weeks of treatment, the ultrasound - related indicators were observed. The data were analyzed by t test or analysis of variance between groups. Result: after 4 weeks of treatment, 1. Compared with the model group,LVEF of the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group and the Western medicine group were improved to different extents, and there was statistical difference ( P <0. 05) ,and the effect in the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group was more obvious ( P <0. 01) . 2. Compared with the model group,LVESD of the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group and the Western medicine group had different degrees of reduction,which was statistically significant ( P <0. 05) ,and the reduction and curative effect in the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group was more obvious ( P <0. 01) . 3. Compared with the model group,the LVEDD of the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group increased with statistical difference ( P <0. 05) ,while the Western medicine group showed an increase in LVEDD , but P > 0. 05,which was not statistically significant. The LVEDD of the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group was significantly higher than that of the Western medicine group,but P >0. 05,which was not statistically significant. 4. Compared with the model group,FS of the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group and the Western medicine group were increased to different degrees,and there was statistical difference ( P <0. 05) ,and increase in the Qijia Wuling Decoction + Western medicine group was more obvious ( P <0. 01) . Conclusion: Qijia Wuling Decoction can improve LVEF,reduce LVESD,increase LVEDD and improve FS of heart failure mice,Qijia Wuling Decoction is better than Western medicine in improving heart function in heart failure mice,affirming the clinical efficacy of Qijia Wul ing Decoction in treating heart failure and providing powerful theoretical theory basis.


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基金项目:陕西省科技厅资助项目( 2013K12 -06 -04)
通讯作者:裴纪文( 1962 -) ,男,副主任医师,中医内科相关研究。E - maiL:13309296312@ qq. com收稿日期:2018 -06 -01 编辑:文颖娟
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-10