[1]廖逸茹廖逸茹窦 豆
谢亭亭谢 慧.“泥丸内八阵”法治疗前庭周围性眩晕残余症状[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2018,(01):035-38.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.01.012]
Liao Yiru,Dou Dou,Xie Tingting,et al.Treatment of Vestibular Peripheral Vertigo Residual Symptoms
by Niwan Neiba Array[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018,(01):035-38.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2018.01.012]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Treatment of Vestibular Peripheral Vertigo Residual Symptoms
by Niwan Neiba Array
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
廖逸茹廖逸茹1窦 豆
谢亭亭1谢 慧
1. 成都中医药大学附属医院,四川 成都 610075; 2. 成都中医药大学,四川 成都 610075
- Author(s):
Liao Yiru1; Dou Dou1; Xie Tingting1; Xie Hui2
1. The Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine,Sichuan 610075,China;
2. Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine,Sichuan 610075,China)
- 关键词:
前庭周围性眩晕; 残余症状; 针刺治疗
- Keywords:
vestibular peripheral vertigo; residual symptom; acupuncture treatment
- 分类号:
R255. 3
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
探讨“泥丸内八阵”治疗前庭周围性眩晕残余症状临床有效性。方法 30 例前庭周围性眩晕
患者视物旋转症状完全缓解后,运用“泥丸八阵”针刺治疗,7 天 1 个疗程,观察 4 个疗程治疗前后的判定疗效。
结果 通过统计学分析眩晕残障量表( DHI) 评分证实,总改善率占 53. 33% ( 16 /30) ,其中明显改善率达 6. 67%
( 2 /30) ,中度改善 26. 67% ( 8 /30) ,轻度改善占 20. 00% ( 6 /30) ,无效 46. 67% ( 14 /30) ,无恶化病例. 每周治疗
后,进行 DHI 评分发现,各周治疗之间具有明显统计学差异( p < 0. 01) ,第一疗程后 DHI 评分下降最大,余各疗
程后评分下降平稳,且评分下降程度均有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) 。结论 “泥丸内八阵”法针灸治疗,可以明显改
- Abstract:
Objective: to investigate clinical validity of the treatment of vestibular peripheral vertigo residual symp-
toms by Niwan Neiba Array. Method: 30 cases of completely relieved peripheral vestibular vertigo patients were given "
Niwan Neiba Array" acupuncture treatment and the curative effect after 4 courses of treatment was determined with 7 days
a course. Result: Statistical analysis of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory ( DHI) score confirmed that the overall improve-
ment rate was 53% ( 16 /30) ,with a significant improvement rate of 6. 67% ( 2 /30) ,moderate improvement of 26. 67%
( 8 /30) ,mild improvement accounted for 20. 00% ( 6 /30) ,invalid 46. 67% ( 14 /30) ,no worsening cases. After weekly
treatment,the DHI score found that there was a significant statistical difference between each treatment ( p < 0. 01) After
the first course of treatment,the DHI score decreased the most,and the score decreased steadily after the rest of the cour-
ses and with satistical significanle ( P < 0. 05) . Conclusion: " Niwan Neiba Array" acupuncture treatment can signifi-
cantly improve patients' residual symptoms of dizziness,continuous treatment for four weeks can help patients eliminate
vertigo residual symptoms as soon as possible,and help the recovery of vestibular function.
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- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期: 2017 - 01 - 24 编辑:巩振东
基金项目:四川省中医药管理局中医药专项 2016 支助项目( CKY2016030)
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