 YANG PuyeYANG Mingbo XUE Yongming QIN Lingzhi.Value of CT Imaging Based on Pathology Combined with Tongue Diagnosis in The Treatment of COVID-19[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,(05):001-6.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2021.05.001]





Value of CT Imaging Based on Pathology Combined with Tongue Diagnosis in The Treatment of COVID-19
1.西安市第八医院,陕西 西安 710061;
2.西安交通大学医学院,陕西 西安 710061
YANG Puye1YANG Mingbo1 XUE Yongming1 QIN Lingzhi2
1.Xi’an Eighth Hospital,Xi’an 710061,China;
2.School of Medicine,X’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China
COVID-10 Tongue image Imaging performance Relevance
目的 探讨CT影像联合中医舌诊在新冠肺炎(NCP)诊疗中的价值。方法 通过观察确诊患者不同病程中胸部CT影像及当日舌象,观察患者不同病程中CT影像与当日舌质、舌苔特征关系,探讨患者胸部CT变化与舌象特点与病程相关性。结果 NCP患者胸部CT影像在疾病初期表现为局限性分布的淡薄斑片状磨玻璃密度影(GGO),进展期表现为多发的GGO渗出、融合或伴有实变,在重症期表现双肺密度弥漫性、广泛性密度增高影,恢复期表现为病灶缩小或吸收;同时NCP患者舌象在疾病初期、进展期、重症期、恢复期,随病程不同也发生相应变化,舌质颜色从淡红-红-暗红(紫)淡红,舌苔从薄厚薄,从白-黄(浊)-白,同时舌体胖瘦、齿痕程度均随疾病的变化而变化,并且与CT的变化有相关性,均反应着疾病的进程。结论 CT影像联合中医舌诊在NCP诊疗中可以简便、及时、精准判断疾病进程、疗效观察、预后判断,对NCP的诊断和治疗有重要的参考意义。
Objective To explore the value of CT imaging combined with tongue diagnosis in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.Methods By observing the chest CT images and tongue images in different course of disease,and observing the relationship between CT images and the characteristics of tongue and tongue coating in different course of disease,the correlation between chest CT changes and tongue image characteristics and course of disease was discussed.Results The chest CT images of COVID-19 patients showed localized patchy ground glass density shadow (GGO) in the early stage of the disease,multiple GGO exudation,fusion or consolidation in the advanced stage,diffuse and extensive increased density shadow in both lungs in the severe stage,and focal reduction or absorption in the recovery stage; At the same time,the tongue image of COVID-19 patients also changes with the course of the disease in the initial stage,progressive stage,severe stage and recovery stage.The color of the tongue changes from light red to red to dark red (purple)-light red,the coating of the tongue changes from thin to thick to thin,and from white to yellow (turbid)-white.At the same time,the degree of fat,thin and tooth marks of the tongue changes with the change of the disease,which is related to the change of CT and reflects the process of the disease.Conclusion CT image combined with traditional Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 can simply,timely and accurately judge the disease process,help to improve curative effect,observation and prognosis.It has important reference significance for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.Objective To explore the value of CT imaging combined with tongue diagnosis in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.Methods By observing the chest CT images and tongue images in different course of disease,and observing the relationship between CT images and the characteristics of tongue and tongue coating in different course of disease,the correlation between chest CT changes and tongue image characteristics and course of disease was discussed.Results The chest CT images of COVID-19 patients showed localized patchy ground glass density shadow (GGO) in the early stage of the disease,multiple GGO exudation,fusion or consolidation in the advanced stage,diffuse and extensive increased density shadow in both lungs in the severe stage,and focal reduction or absorption in the recovery stage; At the same time,the tongue image of COVID-19 patients also changes with the course of the disease in the initial stage,progressive stage,severe stage and recovery stage.The color of the tongue changes from light red to red to dark red (purple)-light red,the coating of the tongue changes from thin to thick to thin,and from white to yellow (turbid)-white.At the same time,the degree of fat,thin and tooth marks of the tongue changes with the change of the disease,which is related to the change of CT and reflects the process of the disease.Conclusion CT image combined with traditional Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 can simply,timely and accurately judge the disease process,help to improve curative effect,observation and prognosis.It has important reference significance for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-09-23