[1]杨华升 杨诚 华鑫 杲春阳 付燕来 张晋 **.新型冠状病毒肺炎营养与中医食疗应对[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2021,44(02):001-5.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2021.02.001]
 YANG Hua - shen,YANG Cheng,HUA Xin,et al.COVID -19 Nutrition and TCM Diet Therapy[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,44(02):001-5.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2021.02.001]





COVID -19 Nutrition and TCM Diet Therapy
杨华升 1 杨诚 1 华鑫 1 杲春阳 2 付燕来 2 张晋 2**
1.首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院,北京 100069;
2.中国中医科学院西苑医院,北京 100091
YANG Hua - shen 1 YANG Cheng 1 HUA Xin 1 GAO Chun - yang 2 FU Yan - lai 2 ZHANG Jin 2
1. Beijing You’an hospital affiliated to capital medical university, Beijing 100069, China;
2. Center of preventative treatment of disease of Xiyuan hospital of China academy of Chinese medical science,Beijing 100092 , China
COVID -19 Nutrition TCM dietetic therapy
营养治疗是新型冠状病毒肺炎患者综合治疗措施的核心内容之一,在危重症患者营养支持尤为重要? 中医药在我国 COVID -19 疫情的防控中发挥了重要作用,中医历来重视饮食与疾病治疗的关系并积累了大量的经验,对于 COVID -19 等感染性疾病则较少提出明确的饮食宜忌, 基于中医药理论和实践经验对新冠肺炎患者的饮食宜忌,病中病后饮食原则进行系统梳理,饮食应药食相宜,宜清淡、忌强食、宜辛忌辣、宜润忌凉、宜补忌燥,尤其注意防食复,忌口与营养相宜,充分发挥中医食疗在新冠肺炎中的作用。
Nutrition therapy is one of the core contents of comprehensive treatment for patients with COVID - 19,and nutrition support is particularly important in critically ill patients. Traditional Chinese medicine has played an impor-tant role in the prevention and control of the COVID -19 epidemic in China. Traditional Chinese medicine has always at-tached great importance to the relationship between diet and disease treatment and has accumulated a lot of experience.For infectious diseases such as COVID -19, however, there are fewer explicit dietary suggestions. Based on the dietarysuggestions from TCM theory and practical experience for COVID -19 patients, the dietary principle during and after the disease are combed systematically, that is, the diet should be suitable for the medicine, which should be bland rather than strong, pungent rather than hot, moistening rather than cold, reinforcing rather that dry, diet recurrence should be paid special attention to, and dietary taboo should be suitable for the nutrition so as to give full play to the role of TCM di- etetic therapy in the treatment of COVID -19.Nutrition therapy is one of the core contents of comprehensive treatment for patients with COVID - 19,and nutrition support is particularly important in critically ill patients. Traditional Chinese medicine has played an impor-tant role in the prevention and control of the COVID -19 epidemic in China. Traditional Chinese medicine has always at-tached great importance to the relationship between diet and disease treatment and has accumulated a lot of experience.For infectious diseases such as COVID -19, however, there are fewer explicit dietary suggestions. Based on the dietarysuggestions from TCM theory and practical experience for COVID -19 patients, the dietary principle during and after the disease are combed systematically, that is, the diet should be suitable for the medicine, which should be bland rather than strong, pungent rather than hot, moistening rather than cold, reinforcing rather that dry, diet recurrence should be paid special attention to, and dietary taboo should be suitable for the nutrition so as to give full play to the role of TCM di- etetic therapy in the treatment of COVID -19.


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基金项目:国家科技重大专项(2017ZX10305501);中医药防治 2019-nCoV 研究项目(2020YFC841500);国家中医药管理局第四批全国中医优秀人才研修项目(国中医药办人教函[2017] 24)
通讯作者:张晋,主任医师,硕士生导师 E - mail:13911893296@163. Com
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-03-29