[1]刘辉 郑帅 陈静 李香闺 井光壮 李凤英 白云峰 任晓梅 张志刚 韩元平张荣强.陕西省新型冠状病毒肺炎的流行特征及中医药防治策略分析[J].陕西中医药大学学报,2020,(0):015-23.
 LIU Hui,ZHENG Shuai,CHEN Jing,et al.Analysis of EpidemioLogical Characteristics of New Coronavirus Pneumonia in Shaanxi Province and Thoughts on Prevention and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine[J].Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2020,(0):015-23.





Analysis of EpidemioLogical Characteristics of New Coronavirus Pneumonia in Shaanxi Province and Thoughts on Prevention and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine
刘辉1 郑帅1 陈静2 李香闺1 井光壮2 李凤英3 白云峰4 任晓梅1 张志刚1 韩元平1张荣强1
LIU Hui 1 ZHENG Shuai 1 CHEN Jing 2 LI Xianggui 1 JING Guangzhuang 2 LI Fengying 3 BAI Yunfeng 4 REN Xiaomei 1 ZHANG Zhigang 1 HAN Yuanping 1 ZHANG Rongqiang 1
1. School of Public Health, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, China, 712046; 2. School of Public Health, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, 730000;3. Xianyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xianyang, China , 712046;4. Graduate College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, China, 712046
novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemiological characteristics Chinese medicine
目的采用描述性流行病学研究方法探讨陕西省新型冠状病毒肺炎(novel coronavirus pneumonia,NCP)流行趋势及流行病学特征,明确其接触史,以加快遏制陕西省NCP疫情?方法从陕西省卫生健康委员会官网收集陕西省所有NCP确诊病例的个案信息,录入EXCEL,进行整理;借助EXCEL?Origin等软件进行分析和可视化处理?结果截至2020年3月2日,共收集245例NCP患者?人群分布中男性患者居多,年龄集中在20-70岁(88.57%)?地区分布中西安市病例数最多,为120例(48.95%),杨凌示范区与韩城市最少,为1例(0.41%)?时间分布中,2020年1月23日至2月20日期间,均有新增病例出现,2月21日至3月2日期间未出现新增病例?接触史方面,输入性病例共有116例(47.35%),114例(46.53%)因与确诊病例密切接触而发病,15例(6.12%)无明确接触史?家庭聚集性方面,共涉及105例病例,占比42.88%?出现症状时间与首次就诊时间之差的平均值为2.48d?首次就诊与确诊时间的平均差值为5.16d?截至2020年3月2日,陕西省NCP治愈率为85.31%,死亡率为0.41%?结论NCP男性比女性高发,存在人际传播和家庭聚集性;NCP潜伏期仍可能是2019-nCoV传染源;陕西省疫情形势有了显著好转,但NCP疫情尚未结束,企业复工复产之际,应加强重点人群监测和医学观察,严格落实各项防控措施?应充分发挥中医药优势以积极应对NCP疫情?
Objective A descriptive epidemiological research was conducted to investigate the epidemic trends and epidemiological characteristics of novel coronavirus pneumonia( NCP) in Shaanxi Province, to clarify its contact history, and to provide reference for accelerating the containment of NCP cases . Methods The case information of all NCP confirmed cases in Shaanxi Province was collected from the official website of the Shaanxi Provincial Health and Health Committee, and entered into EXCEL for collation; analysis and visualization were performed with the help of software such as EXCEL and Origin. Results As of March 2, 2020, a total of 245 NCP patients were collected. The majority of the male patients are in the population distribution, and the age is concentrated in the 20 -70 years ( 88. 57%) . In the regional distribution, Xi'an has the largest number of cases, with 120 cases ( 48. 95%) , and Yangling Demonstration Area and Hancheng have the fewest cases, with 1 case ( 0. 41%) . In the time distribution, there were new cases from January 23 to February 20, 2020, and no new cases occurred from February 21 to March 2. In terms of contact history, a total of 116 imported cases ( 47. 35%) , 114 ( 46. 53%) developed disease due to close contact with confirmed cases, and 15 cases ( 6. 12%) had no clear contact history. In terms of family clustering, 105 cases were involved, accounting for 42. 88%. The average difference between the time of onset of symptoms and the time of first visit was 2. 48 days. The mean difference between the first visit and the confirmed time was 5. 16 days. As of March 2, 2020, the cure rate of NCP in Shaanxi Province was 85. 31%, and the mortality rate was 0. 41%. Conclusions The incidence of NCP is higher in men than in women, and there is interpersonal transmission and family clustering. The incubation period of NCP may still be the source of 2019 - nCoV infection. The epidemic situation in Shaanxi Province has improved significantly, but the NCP epidemic is not over yet. When enterprises resume work and resume production, key population monitoring and medical observation should be strengthened, and various prevention and control measures should be strictly implemented. Give full play to the advantages of Chinese medicine to actively respond to the NCP epidemic.


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基金项目:陕西省卫生健康委员会卫生健康科研项目(2018A017);陕西省教育厅重点科学研究计划项目(19JS015) 通讯作者:张荣强,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为重大传染病的防控策略研究?E-mail:zhangrqxianyang@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-03-11