[1] HAN ManWEI HaoJU DiLI MiYU Yuanwang,.Connotation,Significance,and Practical Path of???? Curriculum Aesthetic Education???? —Taking Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine as an Example [J]. Journal of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024, (01): 103-106. [doi: 10.13424/j.cnki.jsctcm.2024.01.021]

Connotation,Significance,and Practical Path of???? Curriculum Aesthetic Education???? —Taking Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine as an Example


[3]中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定[EB/OL].[2023-11-01].https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2013 11/15/content_5407874.htm.


基金项目:陕西省医药院校课程思政教学研究示范中心(202112);校级生理学课程美育示范课程(202334)???? ——以陕西中医药大学为例

Last Update: 2024-01-24
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